Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Group Management

One of the most important things I've learned over the years is how helpful it is to make administrative tasks easy for those that have to do them.

We have a pretty elaborate and very customizable User Management system at Each user belongs to a group, and it is very easy for the super admins to change what group an individual belongs to, and emails are automatically sent out explaining the new features, etc. A lot of work done with very little effort by the admins.

One thing we've been lacking though, is an easy way to edit the groups themselves. Before today, anytime we needed to add, edit, or delete a group, I had to manually go into the database to make the necessary changes. This wasn't too bad, since it only needs done every once in a blue moon. However, I like to make a user interface for everything I can, because it cuts down on the work that I have to do myself in the long run.

Today I created a Group Management feature that allows the super admins to easily edit what permissions any group has, as well as add groups, and delete groups (except the most basic groups -- those can't be deleted). I believe this feature will help us keep the site up to date and very secure, as it will be easy to create new groups and grant only very specific permissions to some individuals.

While I can't allow everyone to visit the page and play around with it, I did take a quick screenshot of what it looks like.


Oh... and for anyone wondering, no that's not a frame. I don't use any frames, and avoid iframes whenever possible (I use the new object tag instead if I have to). That's just a scrollable div.

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