Thursday, September 25, 2008

Server Update and Vacation Time

Wanted to put up a quick update on the server.

We have all the information we need from our host, and I have the website running successfully on the other server. I have a few more security items I want to check out before I switch the site over. After that, it's just a matter of changing the domain name so it points to the right place.

I'm headed out today in about an hour, and won't be back until Sunday. The rest of the team will be around, and they're always on top of posting everything and approving submissions anyhow. I wanted to mention I would be gone though, so people didn't think I fell off the face of the planet.

Because I'll be gone this weekend, I wanted to mention that it appears that AlexisRod will be passing me up while I'm gone. I salute him, and will concede defeat as soon as I return from vacation. He has yet to name his prize though... Shhh... maybe he won't!


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