Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where there are People, there will be Drama.

Hey Everyone,

This is the part of the job I hate. I hate Drama. But it comes with the territory (for some reason...).

We've recently had a falling out with one of our staff members Warez68. I believe in freedom of speech, even if I don't like what you're saying, so if you haven't read his account of what happened, please feel free to do so here:

I'll go through the post quickly and comment on the various remarks made.

First off, yes we do have a place for the team to communicate amongst themselves. Makes sense doesn't it? Employees in a workplace chat with one another, and we volunteers do the same. It helps make things a bit more fun. Uploading/Posting can be tedious and a lot of work, so we often joke around (occasionally about things that are so rediculous it's obvious it's only funny because we've had a lack of sleep). There's no harm in this. We are professional, but we foster a fun (volunteer) workplace. Google is a great example -- they're an extremely successful company, but you can play video games or take a nap at work, and the meeting locations are igloos, etc. Point being you can be professional and have fun, and we do. That's one thing that makes SinlessLinks a better alternative for posters to share their links at.

I personally, and we collectively as a team, respect and value each and every one of our contributors. Whether that be someone that has full admin access to the website, or some of our valued submitters such as Sofir. I've went to great lengths to make SinlessLinks a family friendly place where everyone has a voice and can give opinions and suggestions on how we can make the site better. Warez68 did a great job at this on many occassions. Much of the details of the way the TV-Series works is thanks to his great ideas. There are still things that I intend to implement in the future which were his ideas as well. I thanked him for those, and do so again now. Warez68 also did a great job of helping to do some quality control with images, etc. Just as he mentioned in his post. It was something he enjoyed doing for us.

Speaking for myself however, I never ignored Warez. We had some disagreements at times about how a particular site feature should function, but I always listened to his thoughts, and more often than not, tried out his ideas to see how they would work. I have a job and a family however, and therefore I am not always around. So when bugs on the website arise, I am the only person able to fix them, and I'm not always here to do so quickly. So yes, others may ignore error reports, because quite simply, they can't do anything about them, and they know I will take care of it as soon as I can. Everyone knows this.

In regards to the Whiterose incident. I will not comment on the issue other than to say that both parties acted childishly. Warez68's "accusations" were unfounded and the claim that reducing a file size gets a person more points... that isn't even possible. The way Rapidshare works prevents an account from generating more than x points an hour. As a result, making your filesizes smaller to elicit more points will yield you zero results. I insist that everyone on staff respect the other staff members and respect our visitors. Neither was showing this respect, and neither is here any longer.

Ribbitz is one of the three individuals that helped make this site a reality from the very beginning. Without him I would not have been able to keep it going when the site underwent some attacks last year.

Ribbitz has never once told me that he believes Whiterose's actions were justified. On the contrary he helped make the decision that Whiterose did not fit in here, and that while Warez68 was also out of line, he had contributed a lot and thus deserved a chance to show he had meant no ill will.

Ribbitz is a great guy, and Warez68 has portrayed him as some sort of evil young child. This is far from the truth. They didn't like eachother, and both you (the reader), and I can admit that we often believe our enemies are horribly vicious evil people, when in actuality they are more like us than we'd like to admit.

To address the comments Warez68 made attacking my own character and regarding the final conversation we had. Warez68 had been having some problems on a private torrent tracker. I was doing my best to offer some of what I've learned about them over the years, and laughing about how it seems the nature of many of them is to make money through underhanded means.

Please feel free to read the conversation for yourself here and make your own decision on the matter:

I said some things at the end that I'm not proud of. My anger got the best of me. But I said them, and I live with that fact. I will not try to hide it, nor could I.

In short, he felt like I had been belittling him, when I was not. I pride myself on having a site that is very much an open and constructive place. So when someone accuses me of running a dictatorship, I do not take to it kindly. I always discuss everything through with the rest of the team members. It is true that I did not discuss it with anyone when it came to Warez68 quitting last night. It was a mutual parting. That's how I'd put it. He had angered me to the point that he was no longer welcome, and neither did he have any desire to continue to be around.

All of it is childish and rediculous looking back on it. I should have held my temper better, but alas, I'm a person who makes mistakes.

Warez68 claimed to directly quote Ribbitz saying that our visitors had no right to complain about items being posted slow. Ribbitz never said this that I can recall. We are here to serve our visitors... the site wouldn't exist without them!

I don't want "slaves" or anything of the sort, and I always very nice to Warez68, except after he cursed me and called me a dictator. Then ironically I acted like the dictator he thinks I am.

The rest of Warez68's comments are biased accounts of disagreements that transpired between him and Ribbitz. No one else was involved in these arguments.

One thing does need set straight however. RESPECT is demanded. That is our one steadfast rule. Ribbitz, Lufrebent, and myself (SinlessLinks) have worked hard to finance and program the website. Many others, including BigCal, Cheeks, Chopper, Warez68, and others, have worked hard to provide the content that our visitors love. Everyone works hard at what they do and deserves to be respected.

Ribbitz is a friend of mine and a valued part of the team. He's a great guy, who did not get along well with Warez68. That's what it comes down to in the end.

There's a full account, that probably does more harm than good, but at least there's been an official response, and those involved can now move on.

Warez68: I've always considered you a friend. I apologize for our latest disagreement, and for the harsh words I spoke at the end of it. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

Friday, October 10, 2008

New Feature Update: TV Guide

Well it's official, now supports a TV Guide with a list of the most popular US shows that air including information on what formats we have available in addition to any notes our staff may have about the show (air dates getting bumped, etc).

This is a really cool feature because though one of our obvious goals will be to upload new shows to a series faster than any other sites, our other strong focus will be on completion of series. Ideally we will eventually have the standard TV releases, HD (720p) releases for newer shows, and iPod format versions on all of them. We have a very unique system that allows us to keep all episodes grouped with their respective seasons and all seasons with their respective shows. We can even post mini-series and other special broadcasts in this fashion keeping everything very organized and easy to access as a user.

Best part is, this feature is entirely free to ALL users. We already have several staff and some users (posters) dedicated to working on various aspects of the seasons (normal releases, iPod conversions etc) and if you seem some part missing that you would like on the site, we always welcome submissions to better complete what we offer to our users. As time goes on, the list will fill out making it a great solution for finding what you are looking for quite fast.

We can't thank you enough for visiting and look forward to welcoming you back as more features are continued to be added. Go ahead and check it out at and if you would like to contribute, just pick a username and e-mail address when you submit a post here.

Service Partner
Customer Service Department

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Won't Be Around Today

Just letting you guys know I'm having a minor operation done, so I will be out of commission for a couple days. I'll jump on the site when I can.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dedicated Server is Live!

Everybody... Everybody... (tribute to Homestarr Runner)... We are now up and running on the new dedicated server! Some of you will notice that you're using the site at a weird location (not your typical This is only temporary, and after a day or two, you will be seeing it say again. Either way you're viewing the same website :-).

Thankyou for your patience everyone, and once again, thanks for your donations! We should not notice consistent speeds, and hopefully slightly faster speeds as well. I'm already getting to work on some cool new features that we can do now that we have a dedicated server.

Thanks a lot everyone!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AlexisRod is my Hero

Hey everybody, SinlessLinks here. I have terrible news... :-(.

AlexisRod has now posted more posts on SinlessLinks than I have! This makes him "god like" and thus I officially declare AlexisRod as my Hero.

I bow down low to your uploading skills.

Name your prize oh great Master! Your young grasshopper awaits.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Dedicated Server Update

I'm sure a number of the donators that helped make the dedicated server possible are getting a little anxious because we still haven't moved to the new server, and I up and left for vacation.

Well I rarely go on vacation for one ;-). And we're wrapping up the move to the dedicated server now. I'm just working on slowly transfering the domain names.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Server Update and Vacation Time

Wanted to put up a quick update on the server.

We have all the information we need from our host, and I have the website running successfully on the other server. I have a few more security items I want to check out before I switch the site over. After that, it's just a matter of changing the domain name so it points to the right place.

I'm headed out today in about an hour, and won't be back until Sunday. The rest of the team will be around, and they're always on top of posting everything and approving submissions anyhow. I wanted to mention I would be gone though, so people didn't think I fell off the face of the planet.

Because I'll be gone this weekend, I wanted to mention that it appears that AlexisRod will be passing me up while I'm gone. I salute him, and will concede defeat as soon as I return from vacation. He has yet to name his prize though... Shhh... maybe he won't!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Website Downtime... Dejavu?

Hey Guys,

Unfortunately we're not quite on the dedicated server yet. And surprise surprise. We're having more technicial difficulties because of our host. We'll get moved over to the dedicated server as soon as possible, we just need to take our time and make sure we do things right. Soon though, all these problems will be a thing of the past.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you all can be patient with us!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Coming Attractions

This post will be much more fun! I don't have to ask for money :-P.

I thought you guys might like to hear about what we have in store for SinlessLinks!

Optional User Registration

Ever since the site started I had the vision of eventually having open registration, that would allow anyone that wanted to have a login to the site. "Why? What benefit is there?" I'm glad you asked! A user login system allows me to store information that will help make some cool things possible for you, and basically help you customize the site. For example, here's a few things that our staff and the people testing the user registration can already do:

1. Rate Posts -- Tell the world whether you like or dislike a Movie or TV-Show, etc. through a system of 1-5 "Smileys"

2. Favorite Posts -- Mark posts as being your favorite, so you can revisit them later, and so they show up on your profile page.

3. Download Queue -- This is a list of posts that you want to download later, but just don't have time for right now. I personally use this all the time, otherwise I forget what I wanted to watch next!

4. Profile Page -- Have a simple little profile that lists your favorite posts, your top rated posts, shows your avatar, and some other cool features that don't exist yet.

5. Post Comments Easier -- No captcha or Username/Email entry if you're already logged in.

6. Get Promoted -- Once you have a login, it's really easy for us to "upgrade" you to someone who can edit TV-Series or create/update posts.

And here are some of the features that we should have finished before User Registration is enabled:

1. Currently Listening To/Playing/Watching/Using -- Tell the world what you're up to right now.

2. Friends and Messaging System -- Have a quick way to check out what your favorite posters are up to, and be able to send messages to other members on the site (great for saying thanks).

3. Donators will recieve extra cool features like:
      a. Have a special page to discuss things with the site Staff (what needs fixing, etc.)
      b. Choose the color of your username just like our staff can.
      c. View a list of everything that's been released recently, on release sites, as well as other rapidshare sites. (may be available to everyone, haven't decided yet)
      d. Don't like the ads? Help us out a little bit and get rid of them.
      e. Many more features to come!

4. Save all your settings. If you prefer to view by thumbnails and order posts by last updated, your profile will automatically remember your preference when you're logged in. It will also remember if you want to see the titles and/or air-dates for TV-Series, or have them hidden. It will remember all sorts of settings like this.

5. Many more features to come! (Including forum in the future)

Improved Top Ten
The top ten page is pretty cool. Check it out if you haven't already. This page will be getting some cool new statistics, etc. over the coming months. Once user registration opens up, the top rated posts will be much more interesting to check out every day too :-).

Reorder Download Queue
Right now you can add things to your download queue, but they just display in alphabetical order. Soon I'll be making it so that it's ordered by first added to most recently added, and allow you to move things up or down the list as you want.

FAQ System
We have a lot of tutorials and frequently asked questions we want to put up on the site. It's up to me to get this system created so people can start helping out with it.

We won't become a forum site, but we will have a complete forum integrated with the rest of the user login system (one user login for everything). This way people that want to discuss, etc. can do so. And if you prefer to get rapidshare links from a forum type view, SinlessLinks will now have a place for you :-).

User Polls
We want to be able to ask you guys how you found us, what your favorite Television Series is, or what you think should get done next. I need to create a system for doing this, just need more time!

Move to the Dedicated Server
Obviously right now my top priority is to get the site moved over to the dedicated server. This will take a lot of time on my part, but I do look forward to the challenge.

More Staff Tools
We've got an arsenal of tools that help our staff to be more efficient and help us make sure we don't forget any TV-Shows, etc. I need to improve these tools, and we have some cool new ideas we're working on too.

Have all Quality types of Movies Linked
This will help you check out movies easily. Want to get the Dark Knight in the best quality we have available, but don't want to have to figure it out for yourself? We'll link all the Dark Knight posts together, with the best quality showing up by default, so that you never have to wonder again.

Multiple Languages
Speak German better than English? How about French? We want to have the ability to have each post custom translated by our visitors, so that people can easily choose what language they want to view the post in, and we'll treat our global community with the proper respect they deserve.

Different File Hosting Sites
We know not everyone likes rapidshare. And you should have the freedom to choose. Eventually we want to provide you the option to view only links that are on your favorite file hosting site. Odds are we won't have a whole lot at the beginning, but over time I think people will add them. This way the same post can have different file hosting sites links added, and you'll only see the posts that have the kind you're looking for. (Or see all posts, with rapidshare links by default, and then if they have your sites links, you see those instead.)

Alright, that's about all I want to discuss for now. There is more, but my time would better be spent on getting the dedicated server set up ;-). Feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you think about what we have planned!


One Time Financial Need

Hey Guys,

As you know, a couple days ago we asked for donations so we could get the site on a dedicated server. Since then I've updated you guys that I'd submitted the order for the server.

This morning I was happy to hear that the server should be set up by the end of business hours on Tuesday. The bad news is that we need a bit more financial help.

The company we're renting the server from runs all billing periods from the 1st of the month through the end of that month. So we "prepaid" for an entire month, which will start on October 1st. Because we're getting the server 9 days before the month is over though, we have a pro-rated fee we have to pay for these couple days in September. This is a legit request on their part, and while unexpected, it's not unreasonable.

So we have a need for $17.92 to pay for this month's hosting costs. Because paypal takes out a little bit from every donation we recieve, we need roughly $19 in donations to cover this cost. I would pay it myself, or chip in, but I just checked my bank account, and let's suffice to say I can't at the moment. If this changes in the next couple days, I'll definitely do my part.

I would request that if you already donated to help pay for the server, that you not feel any obligation to help pay for this surprise cost. We do need help however, so if you want to help out, now is definitely the time.

If you do wish to donate, you can do so by clicking here:

And just to reassure you guys I'm not swindling you, here's a copy of part of the email I recieved letting me know of the charge:


Dear customer,

We just added a one time fee to your invoice for 10-2008:

Serverhosting GAF002 23-9-2008 to 1-10-2008                                                                       : EUR 11,96

This one time fee needs to be paid before the next month.



Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gloves are off. Gauntlett has been thrown down.

AlexisRod and I have an ongoing battle for the most Posts on SinlessLinks. Obviously I have a reputation to uphold, and can't just let Mr. Rod show me up.

Well I challenge you AlexisRod. Beat me. I dare you. I don't think you can. If you do, I'll publicly do my best to take my foot out of my mouth. I'll also add the the top ten page a statistic I've dubbed "Longest Running Reign". This will be who has stayed in the lead for the longest time period. It won't start until you or someone else surpasses me.

Bring it punk. If you don't pass me up by December 1st, I get to call you random girls names for a month. You name your winning prize and post it here, but it better be in the same league as mine.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Server Update & Cool Blog Change

Hey Everyone!

I've submitted our order for the dedicated server. The total cost was $64 and change, and after paypal taking their cut out of the donations we recieved, we had $62. That's awesome! Any day that it only costs me $2 to help pay for the site is a great day.

So the current status is that we've submitted our order, and now just have to wait for the server to be set up. Because it's a weekend though, I estimate it being done by 3pm on Monday (GMT). Then it'll be onto the fun part of making the server secure and getting it all set up.

Quickly wanted to apologize for the long downtime last night. Same as before, not our fault, and it sucks. Another week and those problems will be a thing of the past.

Wanted to thank Ribbitz for the cool addition of the shoutbox to the blog page! I hadn't even thought about doing that, and it's definitely very cool. Thanks man!

For now it's back to business as usual, since the problems we were having yesterday are gone for now, and there's still a lot of stuff to post :-). So for all our contributors, keep up the awesome work, and I'll play my part in getting us on the new server.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Thankyou!! And more downtime...

Hey Everyone!

Wanted to thank everyone that donated money to help us get a dedicated server. I am immensely grateful!

Now I want to quickly mention that yes, we are again (at this particular moment) experiencing downtime. I've talked to the support guys, and it is exactly as I described before: another website on our server is causing the problem. This means that as soon as we're on a dedicated server the problem will vanish forever. As for when the website will be back up, whether it's down for everyone or just some people, etc. I don't know. We can only hope for the best.

I imagine some of you (especially those that donated) are thinking:
       "What the heck? They just asked for money to solve the problem, and it's not solved!?!"

Well please understand that while we now have the resources we need, it does take time to make the move to a dedicated server. I have to wait until during business hours of the country that the hosting company is in. That's going to be a little while. Then after making contact with them, I'll actually have to place the order and send the payment. That'll happen quick, but then we have to wait for them to process the order and set up the server. That will hopefully happen within 24 hours, but if they're not open on weekends, none of this process will get started until Monday. And even once they've processed the order and we're hooked up with our dedicated server, we still have to set it all up, which is a time consuming process that we won't be rushing. It's important that we make sure the server is very secure, and that the site is going to run well. Once we have the site set up, then we have to change the DNS servers, which can take 24-48 hours.

So while I'm going to work as fast as I can, there's a good chance we won't actually be up and running on the dedicated server until Wednesday or Thursday of next week (almost 7 days from now). This is why I wanted to get the money now, so that we can get the whole process started.

We'll keep you guys updated! And in the meantime, happy downloading!

Thanks again guys!


Website Downtime >:-(

Alright guys, I'm begging now. The site can't survive with the current setup we have. We need a dedicated server just like all the other sites have. We can't afford it right now, and I as one of the site creators literally cannot afford to put any money into it because of my financial situation.

There's nothing more I can do. The problem isn't because of my code but because of our lack of financial support. We get about 30 cents a day, which is roughly $10 a month. We need $65 a month minimum (we actually need more than that, but that's a start).

To explain, for $10 a month, all we can afford is what's called "shared hosting". This means that we share webspace with thousands of other sites. What's happening right now (and every other time we have technical problems), is that one of those sites is messing up, which in turn messes us up. Once we get the $65 a month, we can move to our own server, where that won't be a problem anymore. It will also mean we can do some much cooler stuff, and the website should run a little faster.

We're all volunteers. We've worked so hard to get the site to where it is today... and we need your help guys! Please!

You can donate using the donate button on the website, and literally any amount helps. We have about 750 visitors that come back to the site daily. If we had even fifty cents a month from you guys, we could do some AMAZING things. So please... consider anything! Buy a medium drink instead of a large, get the free refills, and give us the change! Anything... if there was ever a site that needed it, we do.

Click here to go back to the site, and look for the donation button on the right hand side. I'll keep everyone updated about how much money we have, and when we move to the private server.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Website Downtime >:-(

Hey Everyone,

Website Status = UP

I honestly don't have a clue why the website was showing that Plesk page. I checked everything, and everything is exactly the way it should be. So I emailed our host and they got it sorted out ASAP.

I'm furious. Absolutely furious. This kind of junk keeps happening. Our website code functions perfectly (It's been tested into the ground, and our test server NEVER has these problems). I really really want to have a virtual dedicated server with some company that we won't have these problems with. Problem is our budget. We currently only make about $100 A YEAR off of Ads and Donations. Our hosting costs more than this, let alone some of the other expenses we have, so 4 of the staff members are currently donating not only their time, but their money as well. So I'm begging you people, tell your friends about us. We think we're a great site, and honestly can't figure out why we don't get more visitors. If you have comments on that, feel free to let them known here. Otherwise tell everyone you know! Tell people to stop supporting the awful RS blogs out there and give us a chance. The more visitors we have, the more money we have to spend on the on the site, and the better website host we can have, so the better service we can provide you! In short, you telling friends or making donations, means a better experience for you when you visit our site.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Logo in the Works and Quality Control

We've got a new graphics guy helping us out now. Not sure whether he'll stick around and continue to help us out, or is just going to do the logo redesign for us, but he's doing some pretty cool work!

I'd estimate that within the next two weeks you'll see the "SinlessLinks" banner change to something a bit more professional and a lot less blurry. We like the old logo, and it's what gave us our start, but it's been resized so many times, etc. that it doesn't look quite as good anymore.

We're always looking for people that can do some unique things and do them well.

One area that we could use someone is what I would call "quality control". Basically someone who can go through the posts every day (new posts and old), and double check that the titles are formatted in a uniform way, make sure the images are the best we can find and working properly (and if not replace the image with a better one), make sure the info link is the link that will provide the best information, and go through all the TV-Series and insert titles and/or air dates and make sure all the information is correct.

If you think you'd be up for this, find a couple things of the items mentioned that need fixing and submit them to our "submit links" area under the title "Quality Control" and with any random image and info link. (Just put all your comments/changes in the "Links" area -- that can take more than just links.)

Alright, back to the grindstone!


Friday, September 12, 2008

User Comments Complete

You can now post comments on User's Profiles just like you can posts. So what are you waiting for? Go tell AlexisRod and BigCal that they rock! And be sure to tell Ribbitz that he smells. And while you're at it put up a comment on my profile letting me know your favorite part of the site.

The next item on my to-do list is a behind the scenes item. I'll update as soon as it's finished and I'm working on something you can look forward to. I'd estimate it'll be a week before it's done.


User Comments and More

I figured I'd write a quick post about what I'm currently working on.

Eventually we want to have optional user registration open for everybody that visits. The intention of this will be to provide more convenience for the users and allow them to build a profile similar to the staff's profiles. The biggest part of this is the ability to slowly give a user more responsibility (allowing them to create their own posts without needing to have them approved, the ability to chat with the staff on special forums, etc). We have several cool features already created that are currently being used and tested by a few individuals.

I'm currently working on allowing people to post comments on User Profiles just like they currently can with posts. This isn't a whole lot of extra work, it's actually very little work. It's taken me forever simply because I've been so busy with work and personal life that I haven't gotten the chance to do it (I don't get paid for my part at SinlessLinks -- no one does). Hopefully it'll be finished soon and I can move on to other items.

I have been working on some stuff behind the scenes at SinlessLinks, and let me tell you, it is really cool. The guys that contribute to the site are all great guys and really helping make the site an awesome place to be.

Alright, I suppose I should get back to actually working on the site. Though I'll most likely end up just watching some Dead Like Me and catching a nap (not cuz I'm a slacker but because I'm worn out from work).


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Staff Blog Initiation

Everybody... Everybody...

We've started up this simple little google blog so that if/when there are ever problems on the site, you have a place to check and see what's going on.

In addition, I intend to blog here about what we have planned for the site, and what I'm currently working on, etc. All the Staff members are allowed to blog here concerning the site, or on subjects related to what we do at SinlessLinks. So bookmark it! While you're at it, add the SinlessLinks RSS feed to the blogs you follow as well:
