Eventually we want to have optional user registration open for everybody that visits. The intention of this will be to provide more convenience for the users and allow them to build a profile similar to the staff's profiles. The biggest part of this is the ability to slowly give a user more responsibility (allowing them to create their own posts without needing to have them approved, the ability to chat with the staff on special forums, etc). We have several cool features already created that are currently being used and tested by a few individuals.
I'm currently working on allowing people to post comments on User Profiles just like they currently can with posts. This isn't a whole lot of extra work, it's actually very little work. It's taken me forever simply because I've been so busy with work and personal life that I haven't gotten the chance to do it (I don't get paid for my part at SinlessLinks -- no one does). Hopefully it'll be finished soon and I can move on to other items.
I have been working on some stuff behind the scenes at SinlessLinks, and let me tell you, it is really cool. The guys that contribute to the site are all great guys and really helping make the site an awesome place to be.
Alright, I suppose I should get back to actually working on the site. Though I'll most likely end up just watching some Dead Like Me and catching a nap (not cuz I'm a slacker but because I'm worn out from work).
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