Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gloves are off. Gauntlett has been thrown down.

AlexisRod and I have an ongoing battle for the most Posts on SinlessLinks. Obviously I have a reputation to uphold, and can't just let Mr. Rod show me up.

Well I challenge you AlexisRod. Beat me. I dare you. I don't think you can. If you do, I'll publicly do my best to take my foot out of my mouth. I'll also add the the top ten page a statistic I've dubbed "Longest Running Reign". This will be who has stayed in the lead for the longest time period. It won't start until you or someone else surpasses me.

Bring it punk. If you don't pass me up by December 1st, I get to call you random girls names for a month. You name your winning prize and post it here, but it better be in the same league as mine.



AlexisRod said...

Two words "Ha-Ha" Let the friendly competition begin. Hope Others will join in on the fun.

Ribbitz said...

Haha, you two are nuts! And I love it... let the games begin :)