I'd estimate that within the next two weeks you'll see the "SinlessLinks" banner change to something a bit more professional and a lot less blurry. We like the old logo, and it's what gave us our start, but it's been resized so many times, etc. that it doesn't look quite as good anymore.
We're always looking for people that can do some unique things and do them well.
One area that we could use someone is what I would call "quality control". Basically someone who can go through the posts every day (new posts and old), and double check that the titles are formatted in a uniform way, make sure the images are the best we can find and working properly (and if not replace the image with a better one), make sure the info link is the link that will provide the best information, and go through all the TV-Series and insert titles and/or air dates and make sure all the information is correct.
If you think you'd be up for this, find a couple things of the items mentioned that need fixing and submit them to our "submit links" area under the title "Quality Control" and with any random image and info link. (Just put all your comments/changes in the "Links" area -- that can take more than just links.)
Alright, back to the grindstone!
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