I thought you guys might like to hear about what we have in store for SinlessLinks!
Optional User Registration
Ever since the site started I had the vision of eventually having open registration, that would allow anyone that wanted to have a login to the site. "Why? What benefit is there?" I'm glad you asked! A user login system allows me to store information that will help make some cool things possible for you, and basically help you customize the site. For example, here's a few things that our staff and the people testing the user registration can already do:
1. Rate Posts -- Tell the world whether you like or dislike a Movie or TV-Show, etc. through a system of 1-5 "Smileys"
2. Favorite Posts -- Mark posts as being your favorite, so you can revisit them later, and so they show up on your profile page.
3. Download Queue -- This is a list of posts that you want to download later, but just don't have time for right now. I personally use this all the time, otherwise I forget what I wanted to watch next!
4. Profile Page -- Have a simple little profile that lists your favorite posts, your top rated posts, shows your avatar, and some other cool features that don't exist yet.
5. Post Comments Easier -- No captcha or Username/Email entry if you're already logged in.
6. Get Promoted -- Once you have a login, it's really easy for us to "upgrade" you to someone who can edit TV-Series or create/update posts.
And here are some of the features that we should have finished before User Registration is enabled:
1. Currently Listening To/Playing/Watching/Using -- Tell the world what you're up to right now.
2. Friends and Messaging System -- Have a quick way to check out what your favorite posters are up to, and be able to send messages to other members on the site (great for saying thanks).
3. Donators will recieve extra cool features like:
a. Have a special page to discuss things with the site Staff (what needs fixing, etc.)
b. Choose the color of your username just like our staff can.
c. View a list of everything that's been released recently, on release sites, as well as other rapidshare sites. (may be available to everyone, haven't decided yet)
d. Don't like the ads? Help us out a little bit and get rid of them.
e. Many more features to come!
4. Save all your settings. If you prefer to view by thumbnails and order posts by last updated, your profile will automatically remember your preference when you're logged in. It will also remember if you want to see the titles and/or air-dates for TV-Series, or have them hidden. It will remember all sorts of settings like this.
5. Many more features to come! (Including forum in the future)
Improved Top Ten
The top ten page is pretty cool. Check it out if you haven't already. This page will be getting some cool new statistics, etc. over the coming months. Once user registration opens up, the top rated posts will be much more interesting to check out every day too :-).
Reorder Download Queue
Right now you can add things to your download queue, but they just display in alphabetical order. Soon I'll be making it so that it's ordered by first added to most recently added, and allow you to move things up or down the list as you want.
FAQ System
We have a lot of tutorials and frequently asked questions we want to put up on the site. It's up to me to get this system created so people can start helping out with it.
We won't become a forum site, but we will have a complete forum integrated with the rest of the user login system (one user login for everything). This way people that want to discuss, etc. can do so. And if you prefer to get rapidshare links from a forum type view, SinlessLinks will now have a place for you :-).
User Polls
We want to be able to ask you guys how you found us, what your favorite Television Series is, or what you think should get done next. I need to create a system for doing this, just need more time!
Move to the Dedicated Server
Obviously right now my top priority is to get the site moved over to the dedicated server. This will take a lot of time on my part, but I do look forward to the challenge.
More Staff Tools
We've got an arsenal of tools that help our staff to be more efficient and help us make sure we don't forget any TV-Shows, etc. I need to improve these tools, and we have some cool new ideas we're working on too.
Have all Quality types of Movies Linked
This will help you check out movies easily. Want to get the Dark Knight in the best quality we have available, but don't want to have to figure it out for yourself? We'll link all the Dark Knight posts together, with the best quality showing up by default, so that you never have to wonder again.
Multiple Languages
Speak German better than English? How about French? We want to have the ability to have each post custom translated by our visitors, so that people can easily choose what language they want to view the post in, and we'll treat our global community with the proper respect they deserve.
Different File Hosting Sites
We know not everyone likes rapidshare. And you should have the freedom to choose. Eventually we want to provide you the option to view only links that are on your favorite file hosting site. Odds are we won't have a whole lot at the beginning, but over time I think people will add them. This way the same post can have different file hosting sites links added, and you'll only see the posts that have the kind you're looking for. (Or see all posts, with rapidshare links by default, and then if they have your sites links, you see those instead.)
Alright, that's about all I want to discuss for now. There is more, but my time would better be spent on getting the dedicated server set up ;-). Feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you think about what we have planned!
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